About Us

Company for the production of laboratory and medical supplies


Latest news and events from YiHong


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Lots of photos of our products

Zhejiang YiHong Medical

Yihong the company has developed rapidly, expanding its catalog, increasing the number of services provided, expanding its distribution agreements with new manufacturers who have placed their trust in it, by launching new products to the market, paying special attention to the quality of their services to their customers and compliance with their obligations.

More than 850 laboratories and enterprises have become our clients, and we cooperate with most of them on a long-term basis.

Our Company has an impeccable reputation as a reliable business partner, which provides the potential for dynamic development and allows us to look confidently into the future.

Our Factory

Our factory is quite young. It started its activity in 2008 and during this time it has only improved. We invite all our customers to visit our factory for a guided tour.

More than 700 products in one place

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